Secure Dual Factor Authentication via standard RFC 4226 HOTP/OATH.

It authenticates the user to any OTP enabled server with a strong dual factor authentication.
ANDXOR OTP Token runs on IOS - iPhone and iPad.

ANDXOR OTP Token is a free software token for two-factor authentication for the iPhone iPad. ANDXOR OTP Token implements the RFC 4226 HOTP/OATH algorithm standard and is not tied to any proprietary server software.

Multiple tokens are supported and may be fully configured as event-based or time-based.
Tokens can be fully edited at any time, until if and when put in lockdown mode, after which editing is permanently disabled.

In particular ANDXOR KryptoEvolution is a Server for secure Digital Signature andsupport automatic secure web based provisioning of OTP Tokens in conjunction with ANDXOR Servers.

ANDXOR OTP Token is compatible with the mod-authn-otp Apache authentication module.

The application is part of the Persistent Security Servers (KE, TEand TDoc) deployed by ANDXOR Corporation.

It also works in conjunction with Web2Sign and View2Sign to enable secure digital signature using ANDXOR certified HSM remote servers.

Please contact us for any question.